5 Tips to Find Floral Education

Not all florists are educators.

When looking for the right florist to help further your design skills, pay attention to how they talk about design and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Any worthwhile educator should be able to give you a realistic outline of expectations for their course or workshop.

5 Tips For Choosing the Right Floral Educator:

1. Do they have a repeatable method of design that can be applied to all design styles and all floral types?

2. Know before you go! Are you booking an experience course, one that is geared for fun and relaxation, or a skills course for practical hands-on experience? Both can hold value but think about where you’re at in your floral business and what form of education is the right fit for your stage.

3. Does this florist work in events, weddings or retail? Experience in one does not always translate to another. Research the florist’s background and experience. Don’t hesitate to ask where they learned their skills and to whom they credit their education.

4. Don’t take someone’s word for it when they say they teach. Ask questions specifically about how they teach (demonstration, discussion, hands-on) and how in depth the class will be on X, Y, Z.

5. Pay attention to the work they show online. Do they only show one-sided designs? Anyone can design a one-sided design with loads of depth to a camera but 360 degree designs I’ve found are a tell-tale sign of educator strengths as well as bouquet designs with chunky handles and crossed stems. You can learn a lot from closer observation of a florist’s socials.

Here are a few of my go-to florists for solid, repeatable, applicable-to-all-styles-and-floral-outlets educators.

Sweet Root Village

The Floral Coach-Amy Balsters

Joseph Massie

Sue McLeary-Passionflower Sue


Austin Flower-Friendly Wedding Venues


Elevated Flowers at The Arlo Wedding Venue